The Kagadi District Education officer Mr. Bukenya Bartholomew has held a harmonization meeting with Kagadi District Private Schools that do not have UNEB Centre numbers.
The meeting took place on 28th February 2024 at Kagadi Model Primary School.
The DEO said that the Education Department is not willing to allow private schools to register their learners from government-aided schools before those learners are assessed. He brought to the attention of private schools that the Education Department in the district is the overall manager of the registration of learners.
My office is the one overseeing the registration of all candidates who are going to sit for PLE. Your learners will first be assessed by the Kagadi District Academic Board before they are allowed to sit exams from government-aided schools.
He said
He encouraged private schools to apply for registration certificates as well as UNEB Centre Numbers. He called upon private school proprietors to comply with the existing Ministry of Education and Sports policies and guidelines if they were to stay in the education business.

He cautioned private schools that are operating illegal boarding sections to immediately apply for a special license from MoES as this is unlawful.
The license you get from MoES doesn’t allow you to operate a boarding section. If you want to have a boarding section, you should apply for it independently from MoES. We have the mandate to close as a school even if it has a registration certificate, as long as the school works against the existing policies and guidelines.
He added